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MHST is Fixed and Back Working!

  Two issues: Only one USB port recognizes Com21 and an ADE-1 had to be replaced. The ADE-1 being bad showed up when the Spectrum showed DSB. Two sidebands, same signal. When you know stuff, you can do stuff! Someone suggested to me to dump any Tesla stock now -- its headed for the crapper. 73's Pete N6QW
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Just When You Think ...

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SUCCESS! I got the R Pi Pico to interface with QUISK and directly Control the Frequency of the MHST!

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How to Make a Seismograph

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QUISK Software Installation.

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Quadrature LO Module.

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Main MHST Module Board Layout

  Starting at the 12 O'clock position we have the Band Pass Filter and the Orange wire at the top connects to one of the amplifier steering relays. On receive this leaf actually is connected to the output side of one of the steerable relays. On transmit the orange wire is now connected to the input side of the steerable RF amp. As we move around the clock the splitter is connected to the BPF. This splitter consists of 8 Bifilar wound turns on a FT-37-43 core. The end of one winding connects to the start of the 2nd winding which in combination connects to the band pass filter and the two free ends are connected so that one lead goes to the input of one ADE-1 and the other end to the 2nd ADE-1 input. These two windings are bridged with a 100 Ohm resistor. Why you ask the resistor well that is a good question whose answer likely involves elements like providing a constant load and balancing signal levels. At the five o'clock position is our sideband inversion relay which is not ne...