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February 8, 2025. Beating a Dead Horse & Obscure DBM's

The idiom "beating a dead horse" is a common term across the world but what does it mean? A trip to the internet suggests the following explanation: To waste an effort on something when there is no chance of success. Those who are Democrats should internalize that phrase and rethink the next four years. That guy has you by the cojones and there is no letting go. The chaos and path of destruction is just starting! Don't get mad but get even by playing smart and laying a foundation for the 2026 and 2028 elections. This approach bypasses trying to do a tit for tat on a daily basis. Besides by being silent and in a stealth mode will raise his paranoia level about the hidden state. For those with bravado and large cojones who think simply buying four crystals and a handful of 68pF caps and hoping by simply connecting those parts will result in a superb four pole filter you are beating a dead horse. What exemplifies not beating the dead horse is getting smart and that entails l...
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February 6, 2025. Homebrew, homebuilt, and home fabricated.

In the last SolderSmoke Podcast I participated in the subject of Homebrew Versus Kits was covered. One aspect discussed in that session was the totally built homebrew everything. Certainly, to be able to say ALL homebrew would be a high-water mark. However, there is a huge chasm between something barely working to something that comes close to a commercial element built on a production line. Homebrew elements like LC VFO's, DBM's and Crystal Filters fall in this chasm.  A seasoned homebrew veteran has no qualms about saying homebrew the LC VFO, the DBM and the Crystal Filter. This veteran says DON'T given that this may be a first venture into homebrewing and the first time building something more than a Michigan Mighty Mite. Now, to defend my position on those elements and along the way I will provide a solution to those new to the art. Creating that huge gap is tribal knowledge.  The Double Balanced Mixer is first up and remember I don't use Single Balanced Mixers. In ...

February 5, 2025. Single versus Double Balanced Mixers

As homebrewers we have choices for the circuit topologies of the individual elements we use in our projects. You know things like the Balanced Modulator or Final Amplifier. Often it is not so much the circuit itself but the guy . We have all said this is what W1FB used, or Wes used this in such a such project or this came from Farhan. Or on a much, much smaller scale I saw this on the N6QW website. Recently I saw a very good thing happen in the ham homebrew community. Hams are Pogo Sticking from simple Direct Conversion Receivers to DCR Transceivers and then to DSB Transceivers and soon Filter or Phasing SSB rigs. So, OK you are lost but what I want to cover today (at 4AM) is the situation exemplified by the W1FB Tuna Tin Two. Some forty years ago (maybe 50) Doug created a Two Transistor CW Transmitter project. It was a huge success, and I suppose thousands of replicas were built. Later on, the ARRL had to issue a revision to the project as it needed a harmonic filter on the output sta...

February 4, 2025. A terrible situation that has arrived.

A ham who occasionally emails me shared a story from Sunday. It seems like prior to going to church, he was eyeballing an electronic goodie that could be had for $350. He goes to church and prays a bit on how he would finesse this purchase with his XYL when the box would show up in a few days.  Satisfied that he could do it, upon arrival back from church, he goes to place the order -- in just a few short hours the price is now $400 -- The Terrible Tariffs have entered the fray. Gas prices are soon expected to rise and that is just for starters. For you, the cult followers, I bet you really believed that China was going to pay the tab -- but it looks like you are. Wait until the food prices go up because of the increased cost for transportation. It's Econ 101. The Tesla guy's actions have a ripple effect -- just wait until the unemployment numbers for February get published -- it may even personally affect those of you who voted this crew into office. Actions have consequences. ...

February 3, 2025. Bits and Pieces.

First my free time just took another hit as the XYL's medical condition is somewhat more tenuous. Thus, radio stuff is taking a backseat to my primary family commitments. In that scaling back I will no longer be a regular on the SolderSmoke Podcast. That was a fun ride for almost 1oo sessions. But Bill and Dean will easily fill in the very small hole that my leaving created. Another scaling back is the N6QW Help Line. Just the other day, I had a request to provide information on those "white connectors" seen frequently in my projects. I have found that just telling the requester they are Molex, 0.1 inch spacing usually results in two or more emails like "who sells them". So, I went to the supplier and copied the link and embedded it in the return email. Then there are the frequent "send me the code emails" which prompts several more emails trying to find out which code. So, up front I will no longer respond to those kinds of requests as I don't hav...

February 2, 2025. Ground Hog Day.

Ground Hog Day   is a classic film with Bill Murray and today is about to get a spate of reruns. Having grown up in a town a short distance from Punxsutawney, we all waited to see if Phil would see his shadow. It is an old Dutch superstition that depending upon if the ground hog sees or doesn't see his shadow will determine the length of winter weather. In the film Murray is in a do loop of reliving the same day over and over and that day happens to be Ground Hog Day. The closest ham radio thing I can think of is starting a new radio project every day only it happens to be the same Michigan Mighty Mite that is built.  Soon you have a room full of M^3 transmitters. But this is a good day to start a project, and you have many to choose from ranging from the M^3 to maybe a Pixie or even a Direct Conversion Receiver. Such a choice today is significant since if the outcome of Ground Hog Day is 6 more weeks of winter -- then you need a project. Today is also Tariff Day and so likely...

February 1, 2025. More Homebrew Radios.

A Blog reader of yesterday's posting shared with me a "fifth" issue for the RFH. To be totally transparent I hadn't even thought of this issue, and realistically it may be the most important of them all. The 7 Part CW Transmitter. If you listen to or watch the SolderSmoke Podcast you will often hear reference to the Michigan Mighty Mite CW Transmitter. The mention of this rig is in connection with that being an excellent 1st step in the sojourn of homebrewing.  Depending on which article you download, it can have as little as 7 parts. Although trust me, don't put the skinned down version to an antenna without having the W3NQN, Low Pass Filter between the M^3 and the antenna. Even with its low power output, it can be heard hundreds of miles distant from you. Back to the 5th issue... With only 7 parts there is likely very few ways (like maybe 1) to connect those parts and have it work as a transmitter. Additionally, there are only so many parts substitutions you can...