A Single Schematic for the Simpleceiver! Quite honestly I bristled a bit when I received several requests for a single overall schematic for the Simpleceiver project. Many of the inputs were if I had a single schematic I could better understand the project. Friends that is why we have the block diagram. Well I guess my bent is if you don't understand the circuit blocks having the whole schematic may not lead to a "Level 5 Enlightenment". Another goal of the Simpleceiver was to encourage experimentation and the modules have been designed for the most part to enable matching to 50 Ohms. You can simply replace a Simpleceiver module with a different module and have a go at it so long as you look at the impedance match. An overall schematic may make that task more difficult. But one kind soul DuWayne, KV4QB has taken on the chore to create such a schematic which is in a pdf format (Sorry guys no GIF's or jpg --so don't send me ...