One Letter Change Makes for a Whole New Meaning. 7-30-2019. Some more rig photos added. I recently said I have built about three dozen homebrew SSB Transceivers --this is just a sampling. That number might be low if you count all the way back to 1970! If any ham has built more than this number of homebrew rigs --let me know. 8-1-2019 This compilation is missing three rig photos including the Belthorn III and the Breadboard SSB. Also missing is the original ZL2CTM SDR XCVR. I think we are beyond 36. In the background I am working on a new SSB Transceiver that will use the really "old technology" -- a crystal filter. Don't get too excited just yet, as the project is a way off. But noteworthy it appears my SDR adventures have left many uninterested in moving to the new state of the art -- that is OK too. Too bad though as it really is the new wave. Our hobby has a very large tent to accommodate the many interests. Yes...