Another OS to use with SDR Rigs. Linux Mint February 18,2020: Real Time Video Recording using the webcam and Linux Mint. I have stated that 2020 will be the year of many technology implementations in our ham rigs. Already I can see where in just a month and a half into 2020, there are things far more important happening with our hobby than your emperor (with a very small e) and his latest antics. Today I read something about some students in Norway (I think) who belonged to a school radio club. Seems like they were indeed fortunate to have for a club station a FLEX 6500 with the Maestro Console. Leave it to the youth -- they figured out how to hack the Windows embedded computer in the Maestro. Boom now they can do things with their station that even FLEX probably hadn't thought of doing. Then again that is how FLEX started. Well today on a smaller scale (micro-scale is more like it) using my new Linux Mint Machine I was filming my attempts t...