Tuesday June 2nd, 2020 I wish I could report that there has been some miracle happen that made the Phase Shift SSB Transmitter work properly. I even spent a small fortune for some 1% SMD capacitors to mate with the 0.1% resistors that would be employed in an 8 Pole filter. I didn't even open the box from Mouser. While one could easily be swayed to thinking this will finally do it. Realistically I just do not think I would see any different result other than poor opposite sideband suppression that I have been experiencing. I have become very skeptical of those who have reported amazing results with their phase shift networks and put those comments in the same league as exaggerated gas mileage claims. We have a great word in Italian --Basta. Enough! But I am happy to report that I have successfully built a 2nd ZL2CTM Teensy 3.5 SDR transceiver. the Hilbert Transforms Rule and indeed opposite sideband suppression! The why of th...