Return to the Peashooter Build Updated 2/21/2022 ~ Box It Up. A Homebrew Plywood Case made from 1/8-inch Hobby Plywood . A Case made from 18 Inch Hobby Type Plywood. Back Side of Plywood Box Top View of the Stacked Board Assembly. The Lower Board Contains the Plessey IF with Diode Steered USB/LSB Filters. Two pieces of wood are used to sturdy up the sides and the Front and Back panels are screwed to these side braces. This is yet another Box Building Option for the GTBITB! The 1/8 Plywood was purchased from JoAnn Fabric's in the Hobby Department. *********** See annotation in Red in the text. A Ham Radio Movie. Spies, Intrigue, Heroes and Ham Radio --- a central part of this Cheesy Movie is the use of Ham Radio, Vintage Homebrew 1947! "State Dept File 649." Yesterday I received a POP Email (Pick On Pete Email) almost hinting that my projects looked terribly unfinished since they typically seem to be a smattering of boards lying on the bench top. The email also suggested...