A hallmark of many of the current homebrew rigs is compact size aimed at portable operation and the ever-popular POTA / SOTA events. Half Size OLEDs used as an SDR Spectrum Display are a reality. But going the other direction for those of us whose eyesight can no longer spot a 29A from a 44DD at a half a mile, then we need bigger displays. The next couple of postings will cover the use of larger displays such as those that employ the ILI9341 scheme. Note you can see the pixels on the display. Feast your eyes on this display using the ILI9341. I should add that I have several of these displays ranging in size from 1.8 inches to 3.2 inches. The pinouts and the code are the same for either. This is the 3.2 Inch display. ILI 9341 on a Rig Resist simply taking your current display using the ST7735 wiring and "plug er in". You risk smoking something as the ILI 9341 Display inputs like to see no more that 3.3 VDC. Thus, you need a CD4050 level shifter or a simple voltage divider, ...