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What a difference one letter doth make ~ A new SSB Transceiver

One Letter Change Makes for a Whole New Meaning.

7-30-2019. Some more rig photos added. I recently said I have built about three dozen homebrew SSB Transceivers --this is just a sampling. That number might be low if you count all the way back to 1970! If any ham has built more than this number of homebrew rigs --let me know.

8-1-2019 This compilation is missing three rig photos including the Belthorn III and the Breadboard SSB. Also missing is the original ZL2CTM SDR XCVR. I think we are beyond 36.

In the background I am working on a new SSB Transceiver that will use the really "old technology" -- a crystal filter. Don't get too excited just yet, as the project is a way off. 

But noteworthy it appears my SDR adventures have left many uninterested in moving to the new state of the art -- that is OK too. Too bad though as it really is the new wave. Our hobby has a very large tent to accommodate the many interests. 

Yes I did work CW at one time...

Belthorn #1, SSB Transceiver from G4GXO
K1BQT's SSB Transceiver moved to 20 Meters. That front panel is 4X 4 Inches and the length is 8 inches. 5 Watts PEP.

W7ZOI's 20 Meter QRP SSB/CW Transceiver
W1VT's, 7 MHz CW Transceiver from QRP Power Article

A 17M Crystal Switched VXO Rig

A Ten Tec Model 540 converted to the Model 544 --my design and my implementation. 

Two shirt pocket Sized Transceivers -- Yes two of them.

The LBS on a Bread Board 3' X 3'

A 60M Five Channel with Tunable Channel #3

LBS II -- A Surface Mount Version of the LBS

 A 20M MMIC Based Bilateral SSB Transceiver 

K1SWL's White Mountain SSB Transceiver

Version #1 of W7ZOI's 20M QRP SSB/CW XCVR.

A 20M CW Transceiver ~ The Wooden Box Radio!

The Bitx20 Built over 10 years ago --with VFO Stabilizer and LCD Display. Sort of advanced for its time!

The Bitx40 before the Raduino was offered as standard.

Ten Tec #150A put on the Ham Bands

Rig in a Champagne Bottle

In many of my past projects I have given them specific names as that is an easy way for me to remember them. We had the LBS (Let's Build Something) which appeared in QRP Quarterly as did the JABOM ( Just A Bunch Of Modules). Then in the GQRP SPRAT we had my Sudden Transceiver. Perhaps many blog readers might remember the Simpleceiver.

Just recently in SPRAT was a project from EA land called the Perigrino which translated from the Spanish means Pilgrim. If you are not a GQRP Club member --you are wrong! Get a membership today!

So as I ponder the architecture of the new filter rig I was searching my brain regarding a special name.  My thoughts drifted to my Italian roots where a term is often used  to describe a countryman, pal or even the equivalent of homie. This would be a perfect metaphor which I see this new SSB transceiver being just that-- a pal. That word is  Paesano. 

Now if you spelled the word Paesano as Paisano -- boom you have shifted the meaning from pal or homie to "country bumpkin". Another such word is Pollock which is a nice white fish but changing the "o" to an "i" you have the word Pillock, which of course means a person who is not too bright!

Now here is a real connect the dots --- a Paisano is a Pillock by another name. I will let you extend the meaning of this to encompass the current world affairs.

This now causes me to ponder how many other words might exist that by changing one letter creates a whole different meaning.

So our new project will be called the Paesano and will be a classic filter rig using some rather basic modules but with a new twist on how they are connected. It should be much easier to comprehend for those of you who could not follow the SDR RADIG. But you do have to know which end of the soldering iron is the hot end.

Thus the Paesano is in work and not even close to sharing anything. However, this could result in a commercial endeavor so maybe not too much sharing. Hint -- it will use an INRAD Model #351, Four Pole Crystal Filter.

Pete N6QW

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