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April 16, 2024. So you didn't get a refund?

Well, lots of folks didn't. But here is something to take your mind off of having to write the IRS a big check. 

A first look of a potential amplifier circuit using a P Type MOSFET. 

IRF9Z34SPBF ~ $1.92 @ Digi Key



The Green line is the output and the Blue line is the input. The simulation shows about a 30dB gain at 15MHz.

The device in the LT Spice simulation was from their library. This is an obsolete device, and the Substitute is the IRF9Z34SPBF from Digi Key.

I do not know how valid this is as a working piece of hardware, but these results look promising as we march toward a PNP version of the P3ST.

The secret of the mounting of this SMD device is to use a small piece of copper sheet available from Jeff Bezos roughly the size of a postage stamp and solder the tab to the copper plate allowing enough extra space at the top to pass an insulator for a 4-40 bolt as found in the TO-220 transistor insulator kits. 

Go back a few posts about the use of the aluminum U Channel for the IRF510 heat sink. The assembly now involves the Device soldered to the copper plate the mica insulator between the copper plate and the U Channel and then a 4-40 tapped hole into the U Channel. A wire soldered to the copper plate is the Drain connection.

Pete N6QW

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