I thought that blog readers needed a break from all the CW Transceiver stuff and so today I picked a nice non-controversial subject like the Politics of Ham Radio.
This is not about eavesdropping on QSO's on 75 or 40M especially with stations having a 5, 7, 8 or 4 in their call sign. You definitely see the polarization and often ignorant statements and claims being made about things that are simply not true. The moon is not made up of moldy green cheese -- period, nor does the use of SDR technology cause pedis plantis or dermatophytosis.
But the politics of which I speak deal with the arguments for and against the old versus the new technologies. In a recent hackaday posting a design for a SDR receiver was showcased that looked much like an empty box of electronics.
A Raspberry Pi Pico W2 plus a Tayloe detector and an Op Amp and that was about it save for a small OLED screen. This was good for signals well beyond 30 MHz. It was of the I/Q form factor not DDC.
My response was "Cool Beans" in that with just a few components it was possible to build something far better than a Regen and far better than a DCR as the topology was really multiple DCR's.
The real strength is in the software as future code iterations will add capabilities without the need to change the bits, parts and pieces.
Now enter the politics and the Ham Radio Set (mathematics terminology). Firstly, only half the US hams have full HF privilege's so likely the other half could care less about an HF SDR project. Secondly many of those with HF as a license may be "Grumpy Old Men", insofar as moving to the new technologies.
I have personally witnessed this same phenomenon in the 1957-to-1967-time realm with the switch over from AM to SSB. The AM mode is still used today but mostly by this same group of Grumpy Old Men, but it was indeed the same sort of conversations about then the new mode SSB and today SDR.
But as hams we need to respect those who have different ideas from where we personally stand. I have no desire to build LC VFO's as a Digital VFO for my liking is the choice. But there are those who like the Analog LC VFO's for many reasons.
Some hams offer that the LC VFO is a direct connection to the past yet usable in the future. For others it is in their comfort zone and involves no software, programming and the ability to see and touch everything. This aspect for them is like working on a 65 Mustang out in the back yard under a shade tree. Certainly nothing wrong with that view. We have a big tent and room for all.
But unfortunately, the ham radio open microphone has given rise to our hobby becoming a part of the current pitched presidential battle. No fact checking before hitting the PTT -- often what is repeated is something heard fourth hand on Tik Tok. The old axiom: it is said so it must be true is on a weak foundation. No, the use of SDR will not give you an STD!
I see an SDR receiver as not only something to hear QSO's, but I use mine as a test instrument. I can measure crystal frequencies to an accuracy of within less than 10 Hertz. That is helpful when fabricating crystal filters.
So, in all we should refrain from using our stations as a mechanism to foster national political views and secondly respect that others have a technical view or approach different from ours. We don't have to support SDR as a medium but should respect those who make that choice.
Pete N6QW