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August 19, 2024. A reflection from 1952

Just a about year before 1952 my parents built a new home, and we moved from an apartment. I also had my own crystal set connected to my bedspring antenna. At that same time my dad had purchased a TV set, and thus we were fully connected to the world.*

Then the 1952 political conventions started. It was like all the news was about politics -- even on my crystal set. Fast forward to 2024 and here we are again more politics fully occupying the airwaves. Good thing the Olympics are behind us.

Thus, what can we offer on the blog that will counter the alternating political insults from the two parties. I was going to suggest a worldwide broadcast of a mud wrestling contest to decide the next president, but that may not totally satisfy the tenets of our constitution. I think one candidate has suggested a beauty contest -- "I am better looking" was the gauntlet thrown down in the heat of a recent rally. 

On Saturday as I was driving to my shift at the Board and Care on the overpass that traverses Hwy 101 was one of the parties waving their flags and wearing their caps -- mostly YL's. But it looked so un-Californian as the YL participants all appeared to be my age. C'mon if you are going to take the time to set up on a freeway overpass -- there is nothing like some twenty something Babes in Bikini's waving party flags to garner attention and possibly votes. Now that is California! 

Long story short, time to delve in a project that will bypass all of the political crap that will dominate the news cycle for the next 5 days. You need the fifth day to explain what happened in the prior 4 days. A week from now there still will be outgassing.

One project I took on yesterday was to attempt the installation of Thetis SDR software at my remote operating position. I have it working on Receive but Transmit is not working as yet. Thetis when it boots up simply states "The Best SDR Software". My friend Bill N2CQR would lament -- menus are for restaurants!


Pete N6QW

* A candidate in 1952 entered the race to preserve the establishment of NATO. Whereas a candidate from the same party in 2024 wants to withdraw from NATO. My what 70 years can do to change an outlook.

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