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August 21, 2024. I am in Awe!

I was put on to the work of WD4X which is shown in the you tube video below. Ramon (WD4X) has combined the "knack" with some solid innovation to take the Hermes Lite 2 and drive it forward into the realm of possibilities. I have concluded that I really do need that 37-inch monitor.

Bravo WD4X!

I am still snickering about the S20 Net mentioned in the video. It is a Net in Florida where if your signal doesn't hit 20dB over S9 then you can't participate in the net. Well, it is Florida and so typical of guys with way more money than me!

WD4X customized a keypad which he said he found on Amazon and cost $49. The above unit is from Amazon and can be customized but cost about $80. Still in all it sure unclutters the operating position.

With the new software I installed (Thetis) coupled with the remote operation of the HL2 this has opened up some new possibilities for my station. 

True with an Analog totally homebuilt radio you will successfully work many stations and achieve DXCC. But when conditions suck, and signals are hard to copy -- the true power of the software defined radios sure makes a difference of having or not having a QSO. Viva la HL2 and Thetis!


Pete N6QW


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