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August 24, 2024. A Tale of Woe and Disaster Recovery

Here I was feeling pretty good about this week. I got Thetis working on my computer and was utilizing the software with my Hermes Lite2. Of course, this software bills itself as The Best SDR Software.

The 64-Bit Thetis Software customized for the Hermes Lite 2 can be found here.

There were some bumps in the road as I got some serious blow back when I mentioned I was using the Best SDR Software both on this Blog and the You Tube Video. Some viewers seriously questioned my use of the term The Best.

A group (more than 2) contacted me and sort of took me to task. I simply was repeating what the Thetis index page says when you boot up the program. I was very enthralled with the Noise Reduction capabilities and gushed about the results. In the software world that is like someone in the Analog world pissing on your Glue Stick PTO so you now can frame the Software Weenies sensitivity.

I cautioned myself to never do that again and then a major disaster struck my Thetis install. The following message appeared on my screen.

A Tale of Woe!

Evidently somehow certain files in the Thetis package got corrupted and the program would not boot. In a panic, the 1st move was to go to the Programs and Features in the Control Panel and Uninstall the 64-Bit Thetis Program and then make a new reinstallation of Thetis. This did not fix the issue as you still got this fatal error message.

So, a bit more thought on the matter and you soon realize that the Thetis program is comprised of two parts. One part is the program itself and the other is the application data. You know, this application file contains how you set up the features, power levels, peripherals, etc. The ADD/REMOVE software function does not touch the application data.

Then a search of my brain remembered that about 15 years ago I had problem with PowerSDR used with the SoftRock Transceivers. For that program there was an xml application data file that at times needed to be removed because it was corrupted. The same thing for QUISK which has a settings file. So, I found it!

I removed all of the files in the app data directory for Thetis and then reloaded the Thetis 64 Bit Software. That was the magic decoder ring, and Thetis is now back working again. With certainty and a smirk on their faces the Software Weenies are all saying, "Well everyone knows that"!

Disaster Recovery is working because WYKSYCDS.


Pete N6QW

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