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August 28, 2024. "Why are you wasting our time with PNP transistors?"

The lead says it all, as I actually got an email asking that question.

Well, you do have the option of not reading the blog and likely the person who sent the email missed a critical point (or two).

What I am hawking here is a process (LT Spice Simulation) and the use of modules in building a rig. The process is applicable whether it is a PNP BJT, JFET or MOSFET.

The person who sent the email used the name The Great One, so it is hard to respond directly. But he must have missed prior postings on my work with J310's and configuring them as Dual Gate MOSFETs. Well, our hobby has a big tent, and he does have his spot in the Howdy Doody Peanut Gallery!
The all PNP Version of the Audio Amp Stage is shown below. Again, this is just the simulation and will need a full build for proof of concept. But it is a significant start of the design process.


Whether using the 2N2222 or the 2N2907 you get the same overall gain output from the module which dispels the old wives' tale that NPN transistors inherently have more gain. BS. 

Above, the final plot of the two PNP transistor audio amp with the lower (BLUE) line the output from the 2N2907 and the green line the output from the 2N2905. There is a 2odB difference, so the 2N2905 final is doing its thing. 

For those who only think Bitx, TIA, EMRFD and NPN transistors, with changes to the schematic, the 2N2222A and the 2N2219A would be the comparable devices.

For the really old OT's -- early TV and who can forget the daily dose of the Howdy Doody Show with Buffalo Bob Smith. The Peanut Gallery in full glory!

The guy who sent the email is in this photo, somewhere!


Pete N6QW

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