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August 4, 2024. Some of the Good Stuff!

This posting is not about Weed or Irish Whiskey! It is however some "good stuff" I found while searching through Lauren Sanchez's boyfriend's (Bezos) website.

I do not think this is a problem unique to N6QW, but in general all hams have this issue. Simply put, where to plug in the devices. (Not about Mary Jo either.) 

All of our "stuff" has to have a power source and as more plastic is flashed -- the need for more outlets. It is not just more outlets but given our electronic goodies, they must be surged protected. 

Boom a quick problem arises with the surge protectors of the old design, which typically have 6 or 8 NEMA parallel blade with ground sockets stacked next to each other. The added issue it is an assembly about a foot long. 

Because of its size and shape the old-style surge protector is hard to tuck just anywhere and the second issue the sockets are too closely spaced. If you are just plugging in a cord with a plug, you are OK. But often that plug-in at the end is also a switching power supply and because of its physical width you lose the use of a socket.

I have recently set up a second operating position that will have three rig choices: The Drake C Line, The KWM-1 and The Raspberry Pi4 Remote console for the Hermes Lite 2.0. The RPi4 needs two sockets (Monitor, RPi4 Power Supply). These two sockets must house switchers. Then there is the DSO (standard plug) and the Signal Generator with a really FAT plug. One socket is needed for the overhead light and another for the 12VDC supply (both standard plugs). The count is six so far. Now add in the Drake C Line and the KWM-1 yields a total of 9 sockets. Whew --we counted properly. The 125VAC at 13Amp capability should be sufficient to have everything powered on all at the same time.

You got to love design innovation and a designer who thinks about the end user. The product.

Behold a 9-socket surge protector with wide spaced sockets. It takes up less space than my 4-socket unit.


Yes, it does have an on-off/reset circuit breaker switch so you can soft power on various hardware. It is good for 1625 watts of load and 900 joules. The bonus -- less than $10. The earlier link will call up the Bezos page. Now there are similar devices with added features like more outlets and USB C charging ports, but cost 2X as much. My goal was the added sockets (9 ports), capable of taking the wider plugs, the small footprint and the least cost. Less than a cheap hamburger meal at Mickey D's!

TYGNYB nor the Pixel 7

Pete N6QW

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