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Sept 2, 2024. Thank the labor movement for the day off.

Ahh Labor Day, the last day before back to school, the closing of many summer venues, the transition to snow tires and changing the anti-freeze in your car. Don't forget to PM the snow blower. Last but not least and somewhat sadly, the YL's move from the mostly see through tank tops to bulky warm sweaters that hide everything. 

But that also signals two months of political ad nauseum ads and TV essentially a 24/7 blitz of messages that say vote for me. Good thing we have ham radio as a safe harbor. 

A blog reader from the UK has been integrating tubes and transistors into a common circuit capable of spurting RF into the ionosphere. Bravo! Undaunted by the naysayers who only think Tubes or Transistors but not in the same circuit, he has pressed on and so a tip of the cap to him. His next project is the Rx side. 

It can be done!

Take this next two months and challenge yourself to come up with a nifty project like this -- and soon you will be thinking Turkey Day is here.


Pete N6QW

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