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Sept 7, 2024. Those 20kHz wide Hi Fi SSB Signals

You certainly can hear it but with an SDR Radio you sure can see it. I was listening to 40M and saw a really wide signal and it was loud too! 

This is a group that regularly occupies this frequency, and they are not speaking English so it may be hard to communicate to them to crank it back. Kind of obvious that they ride over any one close by! Their home seems to be 7.133MHz.

Have you spot checked your transmitted signal to ensure it does not look like the photo above? Then again if you have a 5 in your call with last two of the suffix letters being AC then you want it like that!

Yes, you can check your signal with the Internet SDR sites, for us on the left coast, like Half Moon Bay or up in Utah -- that is worth the exercise even if you are running a homebrew Analog VFO, old school radio. Regardless how we generate a signal it is our responsibility to ensure the bandwidth is way less than 20kHz for SSB and that it is clean.

For me I can use my HL2 SDR with a short length of snoop antenna to evaluate radios I have built and that has been very useful in the initial set up.

So, how does your signal look and sound on the air?

TYGNYBNT. No Picture No Views.

Pete N6QW

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