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The Power of Data.

Believe it or not there is power in data and sometimes we ignore that data and the results are not good. Today we will talk about data and why we are misled.

I watch my blog data and find it fascinating that some blog posts simply resonate with the readers while others fall flat on their "arse". So, having data is not an end in itself but it is what you do with the data that really counts.

My recent posts about homebrew SDR are a good example where the viewing is tepid at best and the one about the new zBitx from VU2ESE was highly viewed. Both are SDR yet the disparity in hits is 5 times for the zBitx versus my homebrew SDR radio.

So, time for an analysis as to the why the difference.

The 1st may be a trust issue. Yesterday I was looking for a service on the internet and I immediately passed by anything with a less than 4 out of 5 rating. I simply jumped to the trust issue as a discriminator. One was a 4.5 rating I zeroed in on but then looked closer that was but a single review whereas a 4.1 rating had 800 reviews. 800 reviews offer a more composite rating versus a single review. Which do you trust?

So maybe my work is not trusted as certainly VU2ESE sells literally thousands of commercial units and maybe I have built one or two of the same design. So, I get it that my efforts are purely a single effort and mine is only one report on how good it is. It is human nature to think Pete is looking through "rose colored glasses". 

Then there is the data point of cost as you can have a zBitx on your bench for $178. Building one of my rigs will cost you perhaps a bit more than that as buying parts in small quantities costs more. I also have a huge junk box so my project cost will be different than someone with a small stash of parts.

But the elephant in the room is the technical skill of the builder and that only comes with time and experience. Likely the only things you need to know about getting the zBitx online is to not reverse the power leads, where to connect the antenna and where the microphone plugs in. You will of course have to know how to navigate any menus -- but in time there will be at least 20 You Tube videos to lead you through that effort.

You actually have to know stuff to build my stuff!

In scratch building my rigs I have a lot of tools not found in most ham shacks like a CNC mill and a manual mill and of course some basic test gear like DSO's and signal generators, power supplies and hand tools. Many ham shacks lack even a SWR Bridge.

Not in the data but certainly present in a ghost like manner is the FOF. The Fear Of Failure is a huge deterrent and besides if you build a Pete Rig there is a huge time investment of coming up to speed on the design and understanding that design. Along the way is figuring out how to actually lay out and build the hardware -- that only comes with time and experience.

The "look" is another matter. I shudder when I see an LCD mounted on a front panel where the hole was hacksawed in place -- doesn't everyone have a CNC. Ugly construction is not limited to circuit boards! The zBitx has a nice look whereas some of my work looks like a disorganized bowl of spaghetti. Pasta Pete has many definitions.

I also found if a posting has no photo embed that you are panned. The picture equates to 1000 words and that visual attraction is mandatory. But you simply cannot post pictures of naked women and hope to garner lots of views. Aside from being illegal, pornographic and morally wrong, those photos are not germane to ham homebrew. Comments about the 300-pound Mary Jo in the backseat of a 57 VW are to merely to frame a level of difficulty that may be experienced in ham homebrew.

Without a doubt this posting will get a tepid reception but there is a final point and that is one about human nature. My pointing out that our hobby will become more technical in synchronization with the technology advancements -- this is a stick in the eye to the many licensed hams that are extras and were essentially handed a license by the ARRL. It is a hard morning wake up call to realize that shortcoming. So, the age-old remedy is out of sight is out of mind.

So, my data tells me that I should stay the course and keep posting items that make a significant segment of the readers uncomfortable as that may just be the kick in the pants to drive up the technical skills of those participating in our hobby. While ham radio was the 1st social media vehicle it also started out that you had to have technical skills. There are many venues outside of ham radio where you can connect with social media and all you need to know is how to post items. Let's get back to our technical roots!

Them that know can make it go!


Pete N6QW

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