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A difficult day yesterday!


A very difficult day yesterday as we laid to rest our beloved XYL of 57 years. She had been ill for some time and passed in mid-February.

She hated ham radio and always described it as wires and weird people all combined with lots of noise and static. That said, what I wouldn't give to hear her one more time complain about the wires and weird people. 

But today also is the 83rd Anniversary of the founding of the US Navy Seabees. Can Do! The Seabees have a direct connection to my XYL as it was my being stationed at Port Hueneme in CA where I first met her. If you do not believe in pre-destination, such an event will make you a believer!

RIP Dear Kathy, from the weird husband with the wires, noise and static but love in his heart for you.

Them That Know Can Make It Go! SDR rules!

Pete N6QW

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