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Quadrature LO Module.

The heart of the I/Q SDR is to provide Quadrature LO signals to the ADE-1's. For the initial development work I was able to springboard off of the work of W9RAN and wrote code to provide the two Quadrature signals from a Si5351 using the Seed Xiao RP2040 as the controller.

The Seed Xiao is half the size of the Arduino Nano, and its clock speed is 8X faster with 2MB of program memory. For testing and development this works well. But this is unsuitable for the final configuration as it is not under direct control of the QUISK software.

The ultimate final configuration is to have a Raspberry Pi Pico interface with the QUISK software so there is direct control. That is currently in work and maybe the long pole in the tent.

If you would like a copy of the Quadrature Seed Xiao Sketch, drop me an email to my address.

Them that know can make it go.

Pete N6QW

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