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The Ides of March are soon to be here!

Leave it to my Roman ancestors to make things hard -- just look at the Roman numeral counting system, and so it was with their calendar dates. The Romans counted days starting with middle of the month, the 15th, which is the Ides and then had terms that counted forward or backward from the Ides anchor point. But the real significance of the Ides of March is that was the day that Julius Caesar was bumped off in the Roman Senate. That event forever changed the course of Holy Roman Empire. When a visionary told Julie -- Beware of the Ides of March --he was ignored -- Caesar should have listened.

Nothing is forever and just this morning I heard that Skype will soon be terminated and that I personally do not see as a big loss. There are so many other options available to us.

So, this coming Ides of March, I suggest that the days of old analog radios will eventually end up like Julie Baby. Maybe not this year but on the radar for something that is closer than the 2056 Olympics. There are so many signs of the event with the numbers of group SDR projects that are being undertaken today and documented. The Dayton Hamvention in two short months (which is not in Dayton) will be another data point when the new SDR radios from the Chinese manufacturers are unveiled. 

Caesar was warned and simply ignored it -- now you are being advised so don't ignore The Ides of March.

Them that know can make it go.


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