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December 21, 2024. "Miss Congeniality"

Sandra Bullock is one of my favorite actresses and one of her movies ends with a bit of a wish for "world peace"!

Indeed, a great thought that as of today is not in clear focus in the foreseeable future. There is just not the appetite around the world to work cooperatively and if anything, it is every man for himself.  That was clearly demonstrated here in the USA just a month ago.

Bad decisions any time, any place, and in any venue are difficult if not impossible to undo. There is no reset button for those who make bad decisions!

But a really good decision is to take our hobby back to its core foundation where ham operators would actually build things. There is both the learning aspect and the satisfaction aspect, and the end result is something useful.  It doesn't have to be a self-designed SDR transceiver but something as simple as a dipole antenna or perhaps a Stockton Bridge SWR meter. Avoid kits as there is just about zero learning with a kit other than how to unbox a bag of parts. 

This Could be a Radio Shack with Dipole Antennas or an Outhouse!

My most recent learning experience was to come up with a fix for an inoperative KWM-2 power switch. Replacement switches are unobtanium and so a substitute was needed. 

True I did see how someone else came up with a solution but what I did was not an exact duplicate of that solution and kept some of the original Collins parts (S11 wafer switch).

I now have in work a second switch which uses all new available modern parts that are more robust and more capable than the design from Collins circa 1956. This replaces both S10 and S11. My 1st sojourn with a fix was very satisfying as it works, and I did not have to resort to drilling a hole in the front panel of one of my KWM-2's. 

The second version fixes the power switch but with all parts that can be bought new. This will open the power switch solution to those who don't have a junk box like mine. There is another aspect (in line with world peace) and that is my willingness to share what I know so that others can benefit. 

Peace (on a world scale)! Them that know can make it go!

Pete N6QW

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