Hey? Nobody has asked about the Crystal Filters that are being used with the Simpleceiver Project! Addendum: 11/29/2015 Another on the air video of the Simpleceiver Addendum #2: A view of the completed Simpleceiver "al fresco" Addendum #3: 12/01/2015 Data for a 20M RF Amp Addendum #4: Signal Output Data for the AD9850 Addendum #5: Band Pass Filter Data for 20 Meters The following is the schematic for the RF Amplifier stage. Please note about the Resistor "R" and how that is made. Addendum #3 : To use this RF Amp on 20 Meters (Query from WA7RHG) simply make L1 = 8 Turns on the FT-37-43 core and make C2 = 10NF. Addendum #4 : Based on an earlier input regarding why I used the AD9850 straight into the SBL-1 without a "booster amp". I guess the simple answer is I hooked it up and it worked --so keeping thing simple. But to get full advantage of the SBL-1 it probably would be a good idea for a booster amp. Now when you measure the ...