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August 14, 2024. Ouch --it hurts, and the bright band-aid is not helping!

Well yesterday I did it and will make another trip there with the XYL today. That pain is still there! 

Just so there is no mystery, yesterday, I got a Covid19 Booster Shot along with the annual Flu Shot. The locale was my local CVS Pharmacy, and the new (YL) pharmacist did the shot administration. She asked me first do you want the shots in one arm or alternate arms. I said look do them both in the left arm as I am right-handed. She was silent and two quick jabs, and I was done. 
I now question the wisdom of that decision. My left arm is in pain and tender. I did not feel sick as a result of the two shots it is just the left arm is as sore as hell!

No, the YL pharmacist did not look like this photo.


If your shot administrator appears like this, it is with 100% certainty she is not there to administer a Covid19 Booster or Flu Shot. Caveat Emptor!

But the important message is getting the Flu Shot and Covid19 Booster Shot. About a week ago I was in the pharmacy and the mostly YL crew had naked faces -- now they are all masked up. So Covid19 is making the rounds again. Many of today's hams are older than 50 so they are in a higher-risk group. Get the shots as they will not necessarily prevent a Covid19 encounter, but the shots vastly improve your chances of survival.

The same sort of "preventive" theory applies to our homebrew ham rigs. Fuses, reverse voltage protection, proper grounding and proper circuit layout are simple preventive measures that can save our rigs -- just do it.

Getting the XYL from the Board and Care Facility to CVS is a logistical challenge involving the $4K Portable Oxygen System, the Transport Chair and the incentive Hostess Twinkies (get the shot and you get the Twinkie). Much to my chagrin since the Federal Government has declared the major pandemic as over, it is no longer possible to get Healthcare services to come to the facility. You are on your own. Thus, I am moving forward with getting her the shots but my left arm hurts like hell!


Pete N6QW

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