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August 31, 2024. Last Day of August time to think about Elections.

Time to take a break from PNP Transistors and so a bit of a tour through Lauren Sanchez' boyfriends gift shop.

This is a Touch Screen Display costing about $17 that plugs into a Arduino Mega 2560 -- it sure caught my eye.

Finally, a dialing keypad (using the touch screen) I can actually see and work with my Fat Fingers. Don't know how complex the programming would be but imagine this as a front panel on a homebrew radio where you can tune and control your rig. I have done it with a mechanical keypad, but this would be a different mouse trap.

It makes the wiring a lot easier as it simply plugs into the Mega 2560.

I find it refreshing that tools such as this are priced to be affordable. It is a great time for homebrewing.


Pete N6QW

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