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Sept 19, 2024, Craftsmanship, Creativity and Cool!

Today I wanted to share a homebrewer's work that hits the "Triple Crown" Triple C (Craftsmanship, Creativity and Cool) mark. We are talking about Mike, KG7TR

Mike's website says it all -- Homebrew SSB Radios. But there are many homebrewers who claim that about their websites, but KG7TR's work is with vacuum tubes.

Combo Transmitter and Receiver using Octal Tubes

Mike's front panels are something not often seen with homebrew radios including solid state -- but just think behind that panel is a whole array of shack warming vacuum tubes.

The rig below looks like a military radio -- how cool is that?

KG7TR has replicated some work of the past like Anthony Vitale's W2EWL seminal converted ARC-5 phasing transmitter.

This transceiver below uses the famous McCoy 9 MHz Crystal Filter for LSB on 75M, all built into a Tektronix Scope case.

The "wow' factor about Mike's work is how amazing the finished work shows. All of his work has the form, fit and finish of something coming off a Collins production line.  The other aspect is certainly a one of a kind in that all are tube radios and, in some cases, all octal tubes. 

A Tip of the Cap to KG7TR.

I can just imagine a QSO with KG7TR where he says the rig on this end is a homebrew vacuum tube transceiver.

Visit his site and just marvel at KG7TR's work and be envious that you likely could not match his skill set. I am one who is more than just slightly envious. 

TYGNYBNT. Don't eat your pet.

Pete N6QW

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