Meet the $800 Xiegu X6200 Appliance Box Radio
This is a QRP radio with an internal battery that will produce 5 watts before a recharge (typically 4 to 5 hours) and touted as PFP (Perfect For POTA). It has a 3.7 out of 5 rating with several complaints like not good for CW ops and non-functioning out of the box. Who would buy this radio?
Well likely lots of potential purchasers would. One of its advertised features is small size which is a boon for those who do not suffer from FFS (Fat Finger Syndrome). Yet another is that it is a Direct Sampling SDR which means that you must update the radio frequently to get the latest fixes to the problems that were inherent when shipped from the factory.
Hate to say it but you could get an ICOM IC7300 for less money and despite also being an appliance box has a proven track record.
I chose this subject and rig for today's spotlight if only to say choose wisely and read the fine print. I have an old car and likely the chewing gum and bailing wire fixes are at EOL (end of life). It is a Toyota Avalon with mileage close to 200K and 19 years old. But a couple of items that would need to be addressed near term, will cost about $5000 for a car with a bluebook value of less than $2000.
My kids at Christmas jumped all over me about buying a Tesla M3. That is some slick advertising -- my #3 (Mechanical Engineer) whipped out his phone to show me that a $43000 MSRP M3 out the door was only $31000 with the rebates and savings.
Read the fine print as that price only applies to a black car with a black interior and the $12000 price reduction includes the $7500 rebate and a calculation that you will save $5000 in gas in California over some specified time. That $5000 is not immediate and is purely a suggested savings and not up-front cash in your pocket! BTW any other color of car or interior (white interior is the only other choice) adds one to two thousand dollars to the price tag.
So, the out the door price is the $43000 (black car and black interior) + the dealer prep, shipping, taxes and $420 for floor mats and $35 for an upright interior tray table, plus $420 for the home charger and the range is only 300 miles.
It looks like the $31000 M3 will be about $38000 to drive off the lot. But it has 510 horsepower and can do 0-60 in 4.9 seconds. It also has 23 cu ft of storage space and no more oil changes.
The last thing I need to do is put money in Elon Musk's pocket -- you know he is the guy who is trying to put you out of work if you are employed in government service. He is also the guy protecting his foreign tech workers with the immigrant special visa arrangements. My oh my decisions have consequences, so look what you got if you voted for what's his name.
I still need a new car but as my #3 son (smart guy) said: Change the oil, rotate the tires and make sure the brakes work and forego the expensive repairs. Drive it until it dies and only then spring for a new ride. Today it is worth less than $2K so not a huge trade in!
Are you really going to spend $800 for a 3.7 out of 5 rated radio that is only 5 watts and works for 5 hours on a battery? Think hard!
Happy New Year.
Pete N6QW