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Just When You Think ...

The following statement contains Religion, a Mystery, a Failure and a Proclamation of Frustration which best sums up the current state of the MHST project.

Oh my God, the MSHT stopped working and I have no clue as to why and have not been able to isolate the root cause.

After yesterday's euphoria of having the rig launch it does no more. The software boots up properly with no error messages and the settings in QUISK have not changed. I see a spectrum on the monitor but no signals. The Pi Pico is generating quadrature LO signals.

I even swapped in a different RADIG board -- nothing changed and that was after swapping in new ADE-1's on the original board. I was able to test the 2nd Board using the original lash up with a non QUISK controlled LO, and it works FB. 

So, possibilities -- corrupted software, a bad sound card (a second sound card shows the same issue). Maybe there is a problem with the Pi Pico board, and I have in hand a 2nd Pi Pico so we can test that possibility. But wisdom says something happened and no sense smoking a second Pi Pico should that truly be the issue.

The Windows 10 Quisk in comparison to the Linux Distro is an impediment as I am more familiar with the Linux version and the tricks to evaluate problem areas. Likely they are there, I just don't know how to access them in Widows 10. Incidentally, Linux is showing itself to be far superior to any windows for these types of applications. It is so good it won't accept the Pi Pico software in QUISK.

So, nothing more will happen until I get the mystery solved. It is sure hard when the whole engineering team is comprised of but one person.

IF you know, you can make things go.

Pete N6QW

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