The Fix Is In!
The MSHT project started with a board found in the junk box. Like Mary Jo, it had been around the block and in the back seat of the 57 VW Beetle more than a few times. Since building that board I have improved how I design PCBs like more generous pad sizes and using better components. These older boards are subject to frequent repairs.
Repairs included replacing the I/Q stereo jacks at the lower LH corner, replacing the two 10K pots (left edge below the LO SMA connectors) and finally a small circuit board for right side ADE-1. The pads for the ADE-1 were really small and a touch up with the soldering iron lifted the pads off the board.
But this is a good thing as the ADE-1's sold by can easily be integrated into a design of a radio-built Manhattan style similar to what I did for the repair.
This video is a bit long but on a 28-inch screen sure lets you see the signals. Keep in mind this is a minimalist SDR. Look and listen and that all is coming from a beat up 4X6 chunk of PC board.
It is still not working on transmit and so that is the next challenge. It's there but I have not found the key to unlock it as yet.
Them that know can make it go.
Time to dump you know who's stock. When you employ amateurs (non-ham type amateurs) you have a clown show.
Pete N6QW