With a Tip of the Cap to Jerry Lee Lewis there was indeed a whole lot of shaking going on yesterday about 10 miles from my QTH when a 4.1 earthquake abruptly interrupted my lunch.
It was not the rolling kind of quake but rather two sharp jolts lasting but a few seconds. Is the big one coming? I was having lunch with my daughter and both our phones lit up like Christmas trees. We knew it was close but not too close as the impact was not of a magnitude to knock stuff off the shelves.
Immediately a pop screen appeared on our phones telling us what to do. The first item caused me to chuckle a bit. Imagine the event was at 1AM not 1PM and you are asleep. For many going to sleep is sleeping au natural -- naked. So, the 1st item on the list is to put on shoes (not slippers, but shoes) as there may be broken glass and you need to get out of the house -- now. There you are out in the street with no clothes on, but you do have your shoes on! A funny sight to imagine.
Now to some cooking homebrew. This was on our interrupted lunch menu yesterday -- White Bean Chicken Chili (WBCC).
1 lb of boneless, skinless Chicken breast
1 Ten ounce can of Rotel
1 Fifteen ounce can of Tomato Sauce
1 Fifteen ounce can of White Beans
1 Packet of McCormick Chili Seasoning
1 Medium Onion chopped in small pieces
4 Cloves of Garlic sliced thin
1 teaspoon of sea salt
1/2 teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper
1 Packet of Pepper Jack Cheese sliced small
3 Tablespoons of Virgin Olive Oil
The process begins by cleaning the 1 lb. chicken breast by removing any fat or shrouds of thin membrane. Cut into large pieces and place in boiling water long enough so any "pink" color is removed from the interior.
Remove the chicken from the water and cut the large chunks into small cubes about 3/4 X 3/4 of an inch. Set aside. In a two-quart saucepan place the oil, chopped onions and garlic, cooking at medium heat until limp and add the cubed chicken. Cook for about three minutes stirring constantly. Add the remaining ingredients, stir thoroughly and simmer at low heat for about 2.5 hours.
The most important step is to cook the chili the day before, refrigerating the admixture and consuming the following day. It is like a fermentation process. The next day reheat at a low temperature until hot to the taste.
Serve in bowls with the pepperjack cheese atop. Added items include Marie Calendar corn bread and a glass of red wine. Bono!
Them that know can make it go. The WBCC is in the class of a HB SDR.
Hey MAGA-O-Lytes why do jumbo eggs cost $15 a dozen?
Pete N6QW