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May 23, 2024. Another Homebrew 20M SSB Transceiver


The LOTW has been down for 8 Days. Is the ARRL being held up for Ransom?

For those who belong to the ARRL, sounds like your membership fees may soon see a huge spike.

This is a follow-on post to yesterday's blog entry about the modules and boards available from Todd, K7TFC.

20M HB SSB Transceiver

Of note this is a two VFO, two Filter SSB radio on 20M. The VFO's have memory and it puts out 5 watts.

I was thinking of the array of K7TFC's modules and how the modules in this radio could be directly replaced with the stuff available from K7TFC.

  • The ADE-1's for the RxTX Mixer and the PD/BM
  • The J310DGM seen in the video
  • The W3NQN LPF
  • I used the Plessey Amp, but the TIA boards are a drop in
  • I used two filters but easy to convert to one filter from Todd.
  • Mine has an Arduino/Si5351 bit the Xiao RP2040 Board would work FB
  • My audio amp is the 2N3904/LM386, but the new audio amp board is a drop in.
  • K7TFC's op-amp board could become the Mic Amp
  • Lots of possibilities for the BFR106 module.

Believe me I had to work hard to come up with all of the boards including the design, LT Spice Simulations, general layout etc. Perhaps not all who read this blog could see how Todd's Boards would simply plug into my design, but I sure can. Bottom line -- a lot of the heavy lifting has already been done for you!

Always slightly ahead of the curve.

Pete N6QW

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