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May 25,2024. Other Radios with MMIC's

Following along with K7TFC's MAR6+SM board announcement, I had almost forgotten that the Peashooter Radio uses the MMIC Amplifier blocks. The Micro-20 also uses a bilateral MMIC Block.

[BTW I just checked the LOTW status, and it is still down! That must be one serious hack as this is now heading towards 11 days without that service. Field Day is about a month away and that is the next big hurdle. Hmmm, just thinking those paper QSL cards are in a box somewhere in the storage locker.]

Proof they exist!


Does Your MMIC Sound like this?
MMIC IF Stages Relay Steered

There was a time when I did have time to play with the electrons, but now, I can only think back to projects of the past. 

There is not tomorrow but only today! So, sign up for K7TFC's newsletter and watch for the boards for the MAR6+SM and build yourself a MMIC transceiver. Remember, they are inherently TIA.

Happy homebrewing!

Pete N6QW

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