CQ FD, CQ FD. The station calling me, you are 5X9. Please repeat your call several times so I can log you.
Yes, that was a part of an exchange in a recent Field Day. That IS a case of Brown Shoes with a Black Tuxedo!
Field Day is upon us -- are you ready? Did you buy the several cases of Rolling Rock Beer, the three boxes of antiacid, Beano for the Spicy Chili and Bratwurst, a gallon of mosquito repellant, a new cell phone charger, SPF 100 sun block and loose pants. Don't forget the air wick and toilet paper for the Porta Potty. Long ago, JIC (just in case) if Mary Jo showed up mustn't forget some Bob's Big Boy Hamburgers.
This is a wonderful photo of a 112-inch military style (I didn't say military grade) folding whip antenna. This has the makings of a neat antenna system whether for FD or POTA/SOTA operations.
I have one and Lauren Sanchez's boyfriend (Bezos) carries these at a cost of $45. They are well made and with some base loading coils and a matching network could work nicely with the Xiegu G106C Transceiver and the BJ-200 50-watt amp on 20M and up. Get out the plastic -- you only have 2 more days.
Baase Loading Coil. Use an Alligator Clip for the matching; Use a 3-wire counterpoise.
Use a car for an Anchoring Mechanism.
If I were to do FD, I would use an SDR QRP radio fitted with FT-8. But with a Twizzle -- I would locate outside a place that had free Wi-Fi. Then using my folding whip mounted on a camera tripod with a counterpoise, I could sit in an outdoor seating area and just enjoy the scenery -- after all ham radio IS a Chick Magnet.
This FD should prove interesting as I have noted the last two nights at around 8PM Left Coast time that the path to Russia has been wide open Several RA3 and RA5 stations were heard at a real 5X9 and no response back. Was this a boycotting of any Russian stations or a case most hams think the band is dead. Of note I frequently hear no SSB stations on 15M, but the FT-8 and CW stations are really loud. So, maybe this is a clue of where and what time to operate.
Pete N6QW