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January 29, 2025. A terribly Unhappy Camper

Failure to know something is one thing but being at the other end of a Help Line and knowing nothing about the subject is pure incompetence.

The recent power shutoffs and local fire danger prompted me to remove the "land line" bundled with Frontier and move that to T-Mobile. My Frontier service was out but the T-Mobile worked. I was able to tether my laptop to the T-Mobile phone, so I was good for comms.

Then the trouble started! To unbundle the "land line" phone resulted in Frontier cancelling my service. That was a blessing in disguise. Frontier has essentially screwed me over for a long time. I found out yesterday that instead of paying $134 for the bundle package and by dropping the phone that the bundled cost could be $39. That is robbery! If you have Frontier, I suggest you look carefully at your billing as you too are getting screwed.

So, the alternative is T-Mobile Home Internet. I found that with some recent changes to their cell towers I get a rock-solid signal at my home QTH. This coupled with the tethering usage convinced me that a wireless solution would work here. So, I signed up for the extended wireless router and that will cost me $45/month. I am saving a ton of money.

T-Mobile also has problems. So now to set up the Home Internet you must have the brand-new app called T-Life. I downloaded the app and to use the app you must have the biometric feature installed on your phone. I prefer the old enter the password method. So, I installed the biometric reader.

On the screen for T-Life there was garbage about resetting the password -- I didn't have a password. So, a call to 611. This nice YL in the Philippines' said I will help you. The T-Life screen is not user friendly. So, we get to the part about the reset of the password. Joyce (the YL) sends me a temporary password, and I enter my new password which must be 8 to 50 characters long and contain at least 1 letter and 1 number. Well, that didn't work! We tried all kinds of matching passwords using capital letters and symbols -- but the save button was greyed out. After 30 minutes a brief hold. 

Then she says did you use the biometrics -- I said yes because when you launch the app it directs you to activate the biometrics. Oh, she says that is why you can't reset the password. You are already in the app!

So, thinking ahead I ask OK where the info is for setting up the Home Internet. She said on the screen. She says look at the bottom and there is a tab marked Connect. Well, that connect is not for setting up the system. At the top is a tab marked Internet and that is the one. I told her I didn't trust their app so could you send me the instructions, before I get the router so I can see what is involved. Quote: I am sending them to your email now -- then I ask her to verify the email. I never got the instructions. Why do they make it so hard. 

They don't know so they can't make it go!

Pete N6QW

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