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How to Make a Seismograph

 For the last couple of weeks, we have been having earthquakes here in SoCal and two of them were 10 miles from my QTH and thusly I have more than just a casual interest. So, an Internet search turned up this Seismograph and yesterday a key part was delivered by Amazon.

Yes, it is not a lab quality device but likely would indeed register a 4.1 Quake (that is what we had). It does involve an Arduino so in my wheelhouse and is a one and done type project. If anything, a great party curiosity or just plain time killer to build and killing time spent watching the screen. 

The project uses a simple 4 wire OLED for a display. But what would be cool is a 3.5-inch Color TFT and it could be programmed so that anything greater than some set value to flash on the screen "Run, Duck and Cover". All sorts of possibilities.

Them that know can make it go.

Temperature check -- this might be a great time to pick up a slightly used Tesla EV. It is all over the internet that these vehicles are being dumped on the market for obvious reasons and when that happens -- an opportunity to make a deal. I wouldn't own one but for those with a strong stomach -- time to deal.

Pete N6QW

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